Thursday, March 5, 2009



Who hasn't had one... I mean really.

Whether a quick flighty good-bye after a week or two of uninhibited drunken passion or a long drawn out farewell with a dramatic grand finale, break-ups can be a tough necessary.

How does a man not understand that two weeks of bedding does not mean relationship ready?
Or how does two years of one-on-one commitment to one another not lead to a desire for the M-word?

So, lets talk about Rex. Rex and I had one of the long committal types of relationships. Always together, talked about the future, so on and so forth. Then there came the "big" talk. His plan consisted of the continuation of our relationship, with just as much love and trust as always, BUT, marriage was out of the picture for us, because I was not the "one". Or, NOT. Why on earth would I continue growing in love with someone who was positive that we would never jump on the marriage wagon and thought that would be cool with me!? Stupid, stupid boys...

Or my Randy, for example, who after just about one year of long-distance relationship, proposed the idea of my packing up my life to join his (ten hours away) to see if it would work out.
I think not.
This girl does not break the rules. This girl does not move for a guy, who in another year's time could very well decide it isn't working out for him. I was correct. It didn't work out... for him.
Perhaps my gathered little red flags along the way did me some justice after all.
May his heart rest in peace.
Silly, Silly boys.

Seven months hence, here we are. Happily enjoying freedom, liberty, and justice from the emotional train-wrecks which formerly inhabited these wonderlands, as John Mayer would say.

Having all been in similar but equally different sticky situations... your thoughts are?

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful writing, can't wait to see the next blog.
